Eggless Lemon Cake Recipe. Sponge cake Recipe, No butter No Milkmaid No Milk No Cream.
In a bowl take half cup of powder sugar or castor sugar and 1 cup of plain curd or yogurt.
Whisk them well. You can use hand blender or whisker.
Take 1 lemon and grate lemon zest.
Make sure that you grate only the uppermost lemon peel because if you grate excess it might turn out to be bitter.
Also then squeeze 4-5 drops of lemon juice into it.
Whisk it well for 2-3 minutes.
Add 1 cup of all purpose flour or maida.
Sieve it to avoid lumps.
Also add 2 tsp of baking powder.
Add 1 tsp of baking or cooking soda.
Add 4-5 drops of vanilla essence.
Now comes the real part. Whisk all the ingredients to combine all the products properly for at least 5-7 minutes.
Grease your baking pan with ghee/butter.
Pour your batter into the greased baking pan.
Preheat your oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
It's time to insert your baking dish at 200 degrees for 50 minutes.
Now in a small bowl take 2tsp of powdered sugar and squeeze half lemon to it.
Mix well by stirring.
After 50 minutes you'll see your lovely lemon cake ready. To ensure that your cake is ready, insert your clean fork in the center of the cake.
If it comes out clean, that when you must be happy. You are done. And if it doesn't come out clean let it stay in the oven for 10 more minutes.
Glazing time and real fun begins now. Using your fork prick rather make holes all over the cake. Go gentle as to not break your cake.
And then gently pour your lemon-sugar syrup all over your cake.
This will certainly bring that extra kick on your cake.
Dust some powdered/icing sugar on your cake.
And you are ready with yummilicious spongy lemon cake. Like and share if you enjoyed it.
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