Brown Bread Recipe. 100% Whole Wheat Bread Recipe.

Heat about 1cup of water. Rember, it must be lukewarm and not hot. Just enough to dip your finger.

Empty the lukewarm water in a cup or bowl and add 1tsp of ativce dry yeast/instant yeast. Leave it aside.

Now add 1 and a half tsp of honey to it and let the yeast activate for 10minutes.

After 10minutes stir it.

Now, you'll need 2cups of wheat flour.

Sieve the flour. 

Add half tsp of salt to the flour.

It's kneading time. Slowly keep adding your yeast and honey water and kneading.

Remember to add little by little. So the formula here is, add little yeast water and knead and then add little and knead. 

By any chance if your yeast water is not enough you can add extra plain water for kneading and also can add some extra flour if your dough gets watery and not smooth.

At the end you'll come to this point where you'll see a smooth dough. Put little butter/ghee on top of the dough.

Cover the dough with a cling film or kitchen towel and let it sit for 2hours unless you see your dough getting double in size. Remember to keep it in a warm place. May be on the refrigerator top or on the bed covered with a blanket with fan switched off.

This is after 2hrs time. It's almost double now.

Again we need to start kneading. Add 1tsp of ghee/butter. And start kneading again.

This time we'll use the folding technique. The formula here is spread the dough, fold it and again spread it and again fold them.

So, this is how it goes. Spread, fold and again spread and fold.

You need to do this at least 50 times.

Make your dough into an elongated roll.

Now, take your loaf tin.

Grease it with butter/ghee.

And put all your dough in. Make it flat with a spatula.

And this time it's second rising. Similar to the first rising we need to do the second rising but for 1hr. Again cover with the cling film/kitchen towel/ cover/lid and let it stay for 1hr.

After an hours time you'll observe that your has again increased by half.

It's time to bake. Preheat your oven for 5-7 minutes at 220 degree Celsius. Then insert your tin into the oven for 45 minutes at 220 degree Celsius.

Cool it.And it's done. Freshly Baked Bread!!

Slice it and have it with butter. You'll love it every time you take a bite.


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